Snippets from our growth story 1997Dr. Kurush.P.Kurmi started his practice in the city of pune 2000 Started to formulate products for personal use 2003 started teaching Ayurveda in 8 European countries 2007 A growndbreaking milestone, Dr. Kurush and Dr. Rupali started their own manufacturing unit in Pune city 2009succfully achivedthe milestone of 50 fda approved drugs 2009Became one of the first Ayurvedic company to use childlock caps for ayurvedic products 2016Succfully achieved the milestone of 150 FDA approved products 2014Forayed into personal care products with a range of haircare and skincare products 2018Started D2C Business With And Expanded the customer base all across India 2021 Successfully completed the milestone of 200 FDA approved products 2024Successfully completed the milestone of 3000 D2C Orders And continuing...